Welcome PHPolks 🐘

🎉 It is happening again!

The community event for PHP developers and beyond is back in Dresden!

Join us for a day packed with talks, networking and fun on September 20, 2024.

We are happy to announce our new location: See the venue section below.


Juliette Reinders Folmer

Juliette Reinders Folmer


Resurrecting the dead


Have you ever considered what would happen when a popular open source package is abandoned?
Now, what about when that package is one of your essential dependencies?

This scenario is not some abstract scenario for a far away future. Projects get abandoned every day and your dependency might be next... But you can help!
Come & listen to some tales of an accidental maintainer and learn about what you can do to help try and prevent these situations from getting out of hand.


Juliette Reinders Folmer is an opinionated, passionate busy-body with a prolific portfolio of contributions to various high profile open source projects over the years.

She is co-author of PHPCompatibility, initiator of PHPModernizer and created the PHP Cheatsheets.

Juliette regularly speaks at conferences and is always happy to discuss how we can all contribute to changing both the dev-culture as well as our code, to be better.

Juliette is self-employed and based in the Netherlands.

Ondřej Mirtes

Ondřej Mirtes


Writing Custom Rules for PHPStan




Ondřej is a full-time open-source software developer.

He likes pointing out mistakes in other people's code so much that he created PHPStan, a popular static analyser that focuses on finding bugs in code without running it.

Sebastian Feldmann

Sebastian Feldmann


A journey from Monolith to Modulith to Microservices and back


Building a modular architecture for sustainable growth is a challenge for every successful business. In recent years, Microservices have reigned supreme in architectural discourse and are presented as the holy grail of Software Architecture. However, implementing Microservices the right way comes with a lot of challenges and complexity.

This talk will show off a Modulith approach and show how this concept can be applied to tackle those challenges and help you to make a smoother transition towards Microservices.

And maybe, just maybe, you won't have to take the last step and thus avoid unnecessary complexity.


Sebastian lives in Munich and Cologne supporting teams at CHECK24 developing software.

He started programming with BASIC on the C64 and moved over Assembler and C to languages like PHP and JavaScript.

With roughly 20 years of web experience he specialized in enterprise web applications. He is passionate about automation, performance and maintainable code.

Sebastian is an open source contributor and maintainer of phpbu and a git hook library called CaptainHook.

Sebastian Kurfürst

Sebastian Kurfürst


How to write unmaintainable code


How do I write code that is as "good" as possible? What does that even mean? I have been working on large open source frameworks (initially TYPO3, now Neos and Flow) for around 20 years. In that time, I have produced a lot of code that I would never write in the same way today - and from which we can learn a lot together. I will critically discuss principles such as extensibility and DRY, show what mistakes I have made when developing frameworks and show which principles we can use to gradually improve our code. The whole thing will be a joint journey into large codebases. I'm looking forward to it!


Sebastian is a passionate software architect & coach, and has been involved in open source projects for over 20 years.

After being part of the TYPO3 core team, he has been co-responsible for Neos CMS for over 13 years. Sebastian has been instrumental in shaping many parts of it, including the React UI, and the rendering layer with Fluid and Fusion.

He is currently focussing on rebuilding the Neos content repository on the basis of event sourcing.

Sebastian is co-founder and managing director of Sandstorm Media, a Dresden-based web agency focussing on sustainable software. In his spare time, he enjoys climbing and spending time with his family.

Stephan Hochdörfer

Stephan Hochdörfer


Need a MACH-ready Search Engine? Choose Gally.


In this talk, let me introduce you to Gally, an (e-commerce) search engine that powers your application's search experience. I'll show you how Gally works, guide you on how to configure Gally for your specific use case, and demonstrate how to integrate Gally into your application easily thanks to its API-first design principles.


Stephan Hochdörfer currently holds the position of Head of IT at bitExpert AG, a company specializing in software and mobile development.

His primary focus is everything related to web development as well as automation techniques ranging from code generation to deployment automation.

Sebastian Bergmann

Sebastian Bergmann


So you think you know PHPUnit


PHPUnit has been around for over two decades and is used by nearly every PHP developer in the world. While most of us know the basics, there are depths and hidden valleys of PHPUnit that even the most experienced of us may have never even heard of.

Join Sebastian Bergmann, the creator and maintainer of PHPUnit, to dig into the hidden depths of lesser known features to get more out of the amazing tool you use every day.



Anne-Julia Seitz

Anne-Julia Seitz


Running PHP-Applications in a Multi-Process Container


The deployment scenario for PHP looks a little different than for other languages like Go or Ruby that have embedded webservers. The classic stack of NGINX/Apache + php-fpm doesn't perfectly fit in the container world.

Some solution providers, like DigitalOcean or certain Azure products, only allow for single containers to be deployed.

In this talk, we'll explore ways other people have solved this, like FrankenPHP, Framework-X , and others. For production deployments, there is k8s, swarm, compose, and running everything in one multiprocess container.

These single containers could be orchestrated with systemd, supervisord, or Runit. We'll talk about the benefits and downsides of these solutions, compare them with the choice we made for our last project, s6-overlay, show off the s6-cli project I developed for this purpose and talk about recipes for running database migrations, cronjobs and a few more.



Carsten Windler

Carsten Windler


How to build sustainable web applications


Software that is built with sustainability in mind not only has a lower carbon footprint, but it is usually more performant, cheaper to operate and robust. Quite some benefits you won't miss for sure.

But where to start? How do we even measure the emissions of software? And how can we possibly reduce them?

In this talk, we'll explore the latest tools and methodologies that help us to write software which not only makes your users happier, but also stresses the environment a little less.


Carsten has been a PHP developer for many years and has been loyal to his favourite language since PHP 3. Over the years, he has also led several development teams and departments. His focus is on code quality and the environmental compatibility of software.

He currently works as a Principal Engineer at Plan A in Berlin, where he can combine writing code with a passion for fighting climate change. He is co-author of the book "Clean Code in PHP", which was published by Packt-Verlag in October 2022. He also regularly writes articles for specialist publications such as PHP Magazin and is an active speaker at developer conferences.

Anke Häslich

Anke Häslich


of the event


For the past two years, Anke has been moderating NEOSCON, a community conference for the open source CMS NEOS.

As a dedicated developer at QUEO Group, Anke also likes to think outside the box and helps organise local meetups as well as motivating others to get involved in the community.

We are very happy that Anke will guide us through the event on this special day!


There may still be changes to the schedule.

Time Topic Speaker Language
Doors Open
Anke Häslich & Holger Woltersdorf
Resurrecting the dead (Keynote)
Juliette Reinders Folmer
So you think you know PHPUnit
Sebastian Bergmann
How to write unmaintainable code
Sebastian Kurfürst
Lunch Break
A journey from Monolith to Modulith to Microservices and back
Sebastian Feldmann
Writing Custom Rules for PHPStan
Ondřej Mirtes
Coffee Break
Running PHP-Applications in a Multi-Process Container
Anne-Julia Seitz
Need a MACH-ready Search Engine? Choose Gally
Stephan Hochdörfer
How to build sustainable web applications
Carsten Windler
Anke Häslich & Holger Woltersdorf
Community & Socializing


BioInnovationsZentrum Dresden

Tatzberg 47, 01307 Dresden, Deutschland

The venue is located in the Dresden Johannstadt, close to the bus stop "Tatzberg" or "Pfotenhauerstraße".

The conference talks take place in the conference hall on the 5th floor.

If the weather is fine, we will have an socializing after the conference in the courtyard.

BioInnovationsZentrum Dresden
BioInnovationsZentrum Dresden
View Larger Map



Get in touch with us  

You can support our community event by booking one of our sponsorship partner packages.

What is a partner package?

  • 3 x free tickets
  • Company banner at the venue
  • Logo and link on our website
  • Post on our social media channels
  • Visibility in the event app
  • Announcement at the opening
  • Promotional material including job advertisements

Price: 500,- €

Price for active sponsors of the user group: 400,- €

You want more?

We offer individually priced additions to the partner package:

  • Company booth (2x2 meters with 2 representatives)
  • Badge and key band sponsor
  • Food, cake and drinks sponsor
  • Speaker sponsor: Small gifts are presented in the name of the sponsor
  • Own slide at the opening
  • Exclusive 90 seconds speaker slot at the opening
  • Own lecture slot (if the topic fits)
  • Use of CONFGAMES: 50 guaranteed conversations
  • 1x mobile app sponsor — Look&Feel of the app in your design

Meet the team

Gerd Rönsch
Gerd Rönsch
Ralf Junghanns
Ralf Junghanns
Jan Männig
Jan Männig
Marcel Führer
Marcel Führer
Susann Sgorzaly
Susann Sgorzaly
Alexander Hippe
Alexander Hippe
Michael Pokladek
Michael Pokladek
Holger Woltersdorf
Holger Woltersdorf